

Ticket Price Requirements
Regular NT$50 null.
Group NT$35 A Group with at least 20 Individuals.
Discount NT$25
  • Children over 6 years old and under 12 years old.
  • Students.
  • The elderly above the age of 65 (Holidays only).
Free NT$0
  • Chiayi citizens (Identity card is required).
  • The elderly above the age of 65 (Weekdays).
  • Children under 6 years old.
  • The disabled and their company.
  • Visitors with the membership certificate of International Council of Museum (ICOM), American Alliance of Museums (AAM), or Chinese Association of Museums.

1.Please bring an ID card or other government-issued document that verifies your age and identity in order to obtain a discount ticket or free entry.

2.In order to prevent lengthy wait times for guests, purchasers of group tickets are advised to confirm the ticket types and quantity of each in advance and bring the necessary documents when buying tickets on-site.

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