

Open Government Declaration


All of the information and intellectual assets on the website of Chiayi Municipal Museum are protected by copyright and are available to the public for free, non-exclusively, and with sublicensing rights. Users may reproduce, adapt, edit, publicly transmit or otherwise utilize, without time or location restrictions, various products or services (referred to as “value-added derivatives”). This authorization will not be revoked in the future, nor is the user needed to obtain written or other forms of authorization; however, the source of use must be mentioned.

  1. The use of partial audiovisuals, images, music scores, articles written by experts, and other types of writing must be authorized by the agency.
  2. Users must plan and excute the corresponding measures mandated by law in compliance with the relevant requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act in order to define whether personal information disclosed by the subject or required by law to be disclosed can be collected, processed, or used.
  3. The use of partial audiovisuals, images, music scores, articles written by experts, and other types of writing must be authorized by the agency.
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